For centuries the stone bottles or jars are being produced in the German Westerwald erea, some also in the vicinity of Spa in Belgium. They were filled with mineral water that was used in the cities in the Low Countries (Belgium, The Netherlands), for good drinking water was scarce. Population growth and industry had poluted the drinkingwater.
Empty jars were used to store all kinds of fluids, also geneva and liqueurs. With the introduction of waterworks the second hand market collapsed and Lucas Bols had to import the stone bottles herself. For over a 150 years this is done in Baumbach, a village in the German Westerwald erea. In Holland they are filled with Bols’ specialties: Bols Very Old Geneva and Corenwyn.
The jar is made of clay, glazed and with thousands of others put into enormous ovens. Despite its weight Bols would never dream of any other package as a jar cherishes its contents in many ways!
The shape of the stone bottle has changed over the centuries. First it had a round belly, later the jar became more cylindrical. Finally the ‘ear’ was removed when all the women had to work in the German war-industry, as all men fought in the trenches of Word War I. After the war the women returned to the kilns but the ear did not reappear on the stoneware bottles.
The Ballerina bottle was introduced in 1957 and these were sold throughout the world until the late1980’s, in The Netherlands until 1978. Around 1970 60.000 a year were sold, 16.000 bottles in the U.S.A. alone. The price in the sixties was around 200 Dutch guilders per case of six .
In 1957 it was filled with 500 ml. Apricot Brandy, from 1959 onwards Gold Liqueur was also mentioned, later on Creme de Menthe too. The Gold Liqueur was also called Bride’s Tears, enjoyed at weddings, representing joy or sadness.
The ballerina situated in the kick of the bottle wears a red or white skirt and dances on The Skater’s Walz or on the Blue Danube.
For it’s value you best take a look at and search for Bols or Ballerina.
During the first quarters of the 20st century Lucas Bols sold a so-called Minaret-bottle, filled with Creme de Bananes and other liqueurs, which looked like a tightly laced woman. In 1953 a similar bottle was introduced and called Music Bottle. In its kick a hidden music-box played a tune and the bottle itself was filled with Apricot Brandy or Gold liqueur. Very soon, the feminine figure gave the Music Bottle her popular name Mae West. This filmstar was known for her full figure and her spicy statements. The bottle was sold until 1965.
A variety on the Music Bottle was de Magic Bottle, sold between 1963 and 1967. In stead of playing a tune, it walked across a table!
Statements by Mae West:
‘Cultivate your curves - they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.
It's not the men in my life that count, it's the life in my men.
Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.
I didn't discover curves; I only uncovered them.’